Dear All,
As previously advised, TSA is faced with a challenge to select a team to participate at the 2016 Aviles ITU Duathlon World Championships (4 and 5 June 2016). The 2016 TSA calendar makes it impossible to host the National Championships well prior to the World Championships.
In the circumstances the TSA Excom has decided that the 2016 TSA team will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Three team slots in each age category are available based on the results of the 2015 SA Duathlon Championships.
- Three team slots in each age category are available based on the age category results of the 2015 Discovery Duathlon Sandton event. A roll-down (in the event of non availability/other slot selection) will be made down to the 4th place athlete.
- Three team slots in each age category are available based on age category results for a duathlon event to be hosted, probably in Cape Town, in January / February 2016. A roll-down (in the event of non availability/other slot selection) will be made down to the 4th place athlete.
- A slotted athlete with a time more than 12% of the winner of the age category in the respective events, will not be eligible for selection.
In addition to the nine slots referred to above, a further two slots will remain available for previously disadvantaged athletes, selected from the results of the aforesaid three events.
The Elite selection will be attended to by the High Performance Manager.
Kindly note that the 2016 SA Duathlon Championships will still take place in July 2016 in Bloemfontein.
Yours faithfully
J Sterk
Vice President